Disruptive Plastic Packaging Challenge - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Disruptive Plastic Packaging Challenge

New idea contest on Desall.com: Desall, in collaboration with a leading company in the PET plastic packaging industry, invites you to propose innovative concepts for a new generation of recyclable packages.

The contest is looking for new product concepts, for the realisation of the next generation of PET packages (Polyethylene terephthalate) and invites you to break down the design and cultural boundaries we are accustomed to, thinking in an innovative and outside-the-box way to the future of this sector, also with a view to circular economy.

For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:

Objective of the contest: during the last years the packaging industry has been undergoing relevant transformations leaning towards the creation of a more ecological system, keen on environmental issues and attentive to the circular economy; we are also living in times of unexpected and unforeseeable changes that are transforming our lifestyle; accordingly, also the sector of stretch blown PET packages is debating over the future of its products and industrial processes. The objective of the contest is thus to imagine a new generation of PET packages, thinking about new possible use scenarios, connected to the ongoing changes and to the lifecycle of the product, thanks also to the opportunities offered, among else, by the bottle-to-bottle recycling technologies that allow the bottle to be reintroduced in the market after being recycled.

Product typology: you are invited to propose new product concepts for a new generation of PET packages (single-use or reusable), exploring at 360° new applications for this packaging typology in the following sectors:
- beverage
- cosmetics
- medical
- detergents
- food
- any other possible application, if accompanied by a short business analysis.

Contest timeline

Upload phase: 28th July 2020 – 25th November 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client Vote: from 25th November 2020
Winner announcement: approximately before the end of December 2020

Optional deadlines
Concept revision: 1st September 2020 (1.59 PM UTC)

1°: €5000
The selection of the winner by Sponsor name will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.


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