Essay Writing Competition for School Students - PN Panicker Foundation - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Essay Writing Competition for School Students - PN Panicker Foundation

The objective of essay writing competition is to give students the opportunity demonstrate their reading, thinking and writing skills in a well connected and compact manner.

This competition is open to all students from Classes 1 to 12 studying in any school in India. Home schooled and special/ alternate school students are also eligible to participate

The participant should be registered at least 48 Hours before the competition
Three topics for the competition will be given 24 Hours before the competition in their login and mobile app
Only original essays will be considered for the competition. Previously published essays are therefore excluded. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay
The essay shall no longer than 1000 words including the references and footnotes
The participants can submit their essays two ways: i. by typing the essay directly on the online web application or mobile app
ii. by scanning and uploading the essay write on an A4 size paper
The entries will be evaluated based on the structure, facts & insights, creativity, and language.
Usage and citation of resources from the National Digital Library of India are encouraged
Judge’s decision will be final

Entry Fee

eCertificate of Participation to all the Participants, who submit their entry
The first and second prizes will be awarded according to the regions of India or state-wise depending on the number of entries

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