13th edition of Key Colours: International Contest for Artists - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Wednesday 22 January 2020

13th edition of Key Colours: International Contest for Artists

Clavis Publishing and the city of Hasselt launch the 13th edition of Key Colours, the two-yearly international contest for illustrators of children’s books. Only a children’s book, intended for children from 2 to 7 years old, can qualify for the award. A professional jury will judge the artistic, literary and child-oriented qualities of the works.

The winner receives 7,500 euro and the winning work will be published by Clavis Publishing.

From all entries, a selection will be made for a children’s books exhibition in Hasselt. At the exhibition children will award their favourite illustration with the Children’s Award. 

Apart from the winner, other entries may also be considered for publication by Clavis. The award and the resulting picture books will be largely discussed in the press and at book fairs abroad. For many illustrators this unique award is the start of a successful international career.

 Each illustrator may participate in the contest, notwithstanding nationality, language or experience. Participation of groups is allowed as well. The submitted projects have to meet the requirements mentioned in the technical data (see annex).
• Are excluded from participation: the members of the jury, members of the town council of Hasselt, staff of Clavis Publishing and the blood relations and in-laws of the members of the jury  up to the second degree.
• The book is intended for children of the age from 2 to 7 years old. Only a children’s book can therefore be eligible for award.
• By the participation in the contest the illustrators and/or authors guarantee that the submitted work is fully original and was never published before in any form whatsoever. They also guarantee that they have the full copyright on it and that they can transfer the full rights of first publication to Clavis Publishing.
• The winner receives 7.500 EURO. The jury may however come to the conclusion that no contribution has sufficient qualities to be eligible for award.
• The winning work will be published by Clavis Publishing, on the conditions of the skeleton contract and the usual fee in the business. Works which are not awarded with the first prize can also be recommended for publishing to Clavis Publishing by the jury. The title will be defined in consultation with the author.
• The competing works should be sent digital.
• The regulations can be consulted at www.keycolours.com. The terms of entry ends on July 19th ,
• The text must be sent in the original language. If the original language is not the Dutch, French, English or German language, a translation in one of those four languages should be added.
  Each presented work must have a title. Works on which the name or the address of the author is
mentioned, will be excluded from participation. 
• The submitted works will be judged by a jury of 5 experts at children’s books, including an illustrator and the winner of the previous edition. The winner of this edition will become member
of the jury for the next edition.
• The decision of the jury will be announced on September 19th, 2020.
• The illustrator will have at all time a copy of his work.
• The participating illustrators commit themselves to collaborate in the exhibition which will be
organized in Hasselt and, possibly, elsewhere. If your digital entry is selected for the exhibition,
you send original illustrations or coloured prints in due time.
• The jury decides on all cases where the regulations could have left some doubts. No
correspondence will be conducted on the decisions taken. They are irrevocable. 

Format of the book You choose one of the following usual formats. 
• 250 x 260 mm • 290 x 210 mm (portrait or landscape) • 235 x 325 mm The story will be told in exactly 24 pages (cover, end paper and title page not included), starting on the left page. The original drawings should be full size, with a bleed of 5 mm. 

For further information visit https://www.keycolours.com/

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