Classmate Spellbee Season 12 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Monday 30 December 2019

Classmate Spellbee Season 12

India's biggest Spell Bee is here once again.
Season 12 is bigger and better! So, prep yourself, and bee a part of it this year and win some awesome prizes!

Students of Class 5 to 9

There are 4 levels
Level 1: School Level
Level 2: City Finals
Level 3: Semi Finals
Level 4: National Finals

Rules & Regulations - Classmate Spellbee Season 12 School Edition

1. The competition is open for all school students studying in 5th to 9th standard. The participating students cannot be more than 16 years of age on the day of applying for competition. Any incorrect/fraudulent entries will be disqualified.

2. The Organizers reserve the right to alter the terms and conditions of the Contest at their discretion without any notice.

3. A written test with multiple choice questions was conducted in several schools to select students who will represent their schools in the Online version of the competition (Level 1 of School Edition).

4. Each student will be assigned a unique code using which they can login in the School Edition Login page.

5. 15 students from each participating school were shortlisted for the Online Level 2 of School Edition.

6. Apart from the school level winners, 100 students from 300 schools have also qualified for the Online Level 2 of School Edition through nominations.

7. Through a unique Nomination model, 100 students from each school are also entering the Online Level 2 of School Edition with a nomination code. Total of 20000 kids have qualified through nomination route.

8. In case of a tie, inbuilt tie breaker question will decide the winners. In case even after applying tie breakers, the tie exists, the shortest time taken will be used to determine the winner.

9. Schools will be informed about the shortlisted students through an email or through a call.

10. Shortlisted students will be informed through SMS or email.

11. The Level 2 test for School Edition will be live for students and they can take the test from their personal place of convenience.

12. The test will be live all students for a duration of 5 days.

13. Date and duration for the test will be intimated to the students via SMS / Email / Phone call.

14. Students will need to log on to to understand the rules and regulations of the Online Level 2 of School Edition test.

15. Students will also be reminded about their unique ID which will be the user name for the Online School Edition and will be given a password when they are called to inform about their selection and the test details.

16. The Online Level 2 of School Edition will consist of 75 MCQs to be answered in 7.5 minutes.

17. While taking the test, if a student clicks on refresh button / internet disruption occurs / any other reason by which a student is unable to complete the test, the test will be auto submitted based on the number of questions answered till the time his/her internet was active. Retake will not be permitted.

18. Top 100 students from Mumbai & Navi Mumbai will qualify for Level 3 - Semifinal round.

19. The short listing of the semifinalists from each city will be done based on their scores in the Online Level 2 of School Edition.

20. An inbuilt tie breaker will decide the winner in case of a tie. Even after a tie breaker, if a tie happens then the winner will be chosen based on their best time in completing the test.

21. The Semi Finals, level 3, will be an online test conducted across the 30 cities in 2 rounds.

22. Round 1: Where all the winners from the City Finals will answer 60 MCQ’s in 10 minutes.

23. Round 2: Top 10 students in each city will answer 45 MCQ’s in 10 minutes.

24. Both the Level 3 - Semifinal rounds will be conducted on the same day.

25. In event of a tie at the semi finals, an inbuilt tie breaker will evaluate the students moving to the next level. Even after a tie breaker, if a tie happens then the winner will be chosen based on their best time in completing the test.

26. After round 2 of the Level 3 – Semifinalists- the top 12 scorers will be invited for the National Finals that will be held in Mumbai which will be a televised event.

27. In case a shortlisted student from Level 2 is unable to participate in Level 3 and this is determined well in advance the student who has secured the next highest score will be take his or her place and so on.

28. In case a student from amongst the top 12 scorers from the Level 3 - Semifinals is unable to participate in the National Finals the student who has 13th highest score will be take his or her place and so on.

29. All expenses incurred by the shortlisted participants to travel to the Level 3 - Semifinals for the Contest will have to be borne by shortlisted participants themselves.

30. In reference to any queries students can mail across to using their unique id.

31. Trip to the USA and White House are subject to approval from the US Embassy and White House.

32. Any malpractices found during the taking of the test will result in instant disqualification.

33. ENIL decision will be final & indispensable regarding the winners.

34. All prizes are non-transferable and non-refundable. Prizes cannot be exchanged / redeemed for cash.

Rules & Regulations - Classmate Spellbee Season 12 Online Edition

1. The competition is open for all school students studying in 5th to 9th standard. The participating students cannot be more than 16 years of age on the day of applying for competition.

2. The Organizers reserve the right to alter the terms and conditions of the Contest at their discretion without any notice.

3. Students can Register to play the Online Edition on the website.

4. After Registration, they will get a Login ID using which they can then login to the website.

5. After logging in, a student can buy either one pass or five passes to take part in the Online Edition of the competition.

6. A student can buy a package of only 5 tests. Eg: if a student takes 100INR test twice, he/she gets to attempt only 3 tests in 300INR pass, or if a student takes 4 tests by buying 100INR pass, will get to attempt only one test by buying 300INR pass.

7. The Online Edition will consist of 75 MCQs to be answered in 7.5 minutes.

8. An inbuilt tie breaker will decide the winner in case of a tie. Even after a tie breaker, if a tie happens then the winner will be chosen based on their best time in completing the test.

9. While taking the test, if a student clicks on refresh button / internet disruption occurs/ any other reason by which a student is unable to complete the test, the test will be auto submitted based on the number of questions answered till the time his/her internet was active. Retake will not be permitted.

10. Shortlisted students will be informed through SMS or Email.

11. Shortlisted students who have shared their contact details will also be called and informed. SMS will be sent to the students who have given correct mobile numbers.

12. The Online Edition tests will be live for the students from their personal place of convenience.

13. Students will need to log on to to understand the rules and regulations of the Online Edition test.

14. Top 4 shortlisted from the Online Edition will be invited for the televised national finals in Mumbai.

15. In an event if a shortlisted student from the online edition is unbale to participate in the National finals, it will be determined in advance that a student with the 5th highest score will take his/her place and so on.

16. In reference to any queries students can mail across to using their unique id.

17. Any amount paid towards Online Edition is non-refundable.

18. In case of payment failures, any amount deducted from your bank will be refunded by the payment processor within 7 days

19. Contest is open to only Indian Residents.

20. Trip to the USA and White House are subject to approval from the US Embassy and White House.

21. Any malpractices found during the taking of the test will result in instant disqualification.

22. ENIL decision will be final & indispensable regarding the winners.

23. All prizes are non-transferable and non-refundable. Prizes cannot be exchanged / redeemed for cash.

Cast your magic spell this season and win big!
Trip To TheWhite House

Feature OnNational TV

Win A Cash Prize Of₹2,00,000

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