Picasso Art Contest: Creative Brilliance 2019 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Sunday 14 July 2019

Picasso Art Contest: Creative Brilliance 2019

PICASSO ART CONTEST is an international online art contest which is open for all children of age group 6 to 19 years old. However, some art contests are for 2 to 6 years old too. It has been started to motivate artistic and creative minds. The participants are from 69+ countries including USA, UK, INDIA, UAE, MALAYSIA, etc. This website has amazingly attracted art lovers from 129+ countries.

So come and participate in this amazing contest and stand a chance to win Art Recognition Pack which is consists of publication of painting, publication of winner’s photo in the winner’s gallery, Certificate of Achievement and recognition as Creative Star, Creative Diamond, and Creative Gold Artist. This show is originally broadcast on Picasso website.

Creative Brilliance 2019

Entry starts on:   10 July 2019
Entry ends on:   31 July 2019
Eligibility:  6 to 19 years age
Subject or Theme:  Painting on any subject or theme is accepted.
Layout of painting: The drawing/ painting may be vertical or horizontal.
Size of the painting:  Any size is accepted.
Number of Paintings:  Only one entry is allowed per artist. Multiple entries are not allowed.
Use of medium or color:
 You can use following media:

  • Water Color
  • Poster Color
  • Acrylics Color
  • Oil Color
  • Graphite
  • Charcoal or pencil shading
  • Pastel
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pen and Ink
  • Mixed Media
  • Ball Point Pen, etc

Digital Art and Craft Works are NOT accepted.
 Signature of the artist:  There should be artist's signature (Artist's Name) on any one corner of the painting.
 Entry Fees:  There is NO entry fees. It is FREE to enter.
 Awards/ Certificates:   Winners will receive Art Recognition Pack, which consists of

  • publication of painting in the website 
  • publication of winner's photo in the winner's gallery
  •  Certificate of Achievement and
  • Recognition as Creative Star Artist, Creative Diamond Artist and Creative Gold Artist.

Fees for Art Recognition Pack & Certificate
The fees is $0.00 for Creative Star artists and $19.99 for some selected Artists. (Discount may be offered for limited time only)
Judgement Of Paintings by ICE-PAPA approach.
Paintings are judged on the basis of ICE-PAPA approach. ICE-PAPA is acronym of Innovation, Creativity, Engaging, Perfection, Age of Artist, Presentation and Artistic Ability.
 How to participate?
Visit the organiser's website. Fill the form and upload the painting, and click on submit button. That's all.

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