Celebration of Earth: Architecture Competition - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday 5 July 2019

Celebration of Earth: Architecture Competition

The 21st century is known for the age of globalization. The process of urbanization in cities, the interaction between people and integration among businesses & society are no longer driven just by local forces. It’s a well-known fact that data-driven technologies are playing a major role in shaping us and the kind of cities we live in today.
These forces of technology, for all the good they are doing well to us on one hand and are powerfully speeding up the homogenization of culture in the other. This force of technology in the world we live in today has been there for quite some time and seems to be unstoppable. Cities have been seen as an incubator for creative ideas and human evolution in the past. However, with our technological evolution, the question one must seek is retaining this distinct identity of a city as an incubator of creative ideas in the next century.


If skylines around the world are looking too much the same, is this because the new and important buildings are done by the big names (designers) from far away and not by the locals or the opposite is true? Not only skyscrapers but, museums, civic center, concert halls, bridges, libraries, opera houses all give cities part of their identity. This makes us ponder, that how do we reclaim our cities to stand out from each other in the next centuries. What are the urban programs that can be useful to the inhabitants and can architecture be an icon instead of an object?

The registration fee will increase based on the number of registrations received at the time of your registration. Based on the number of registrations the prize pool will also increase.

A total of 500 entries will be accepted in the competition till the last deadline of registration. If the competition reaches a total registered entries of 500, then the registration will be closed at a total prize pool of 15,000 USD.

The sooner you register, the less you will pay as fees. More number of teams you will compete with, the higher amount of prize you will be entitled to receive.

Minimum eligible age for participation is 18 years.
There is no restriction to the degree or design disciplines to participate in the challenge.
Participation in the competition can happen in a team as well as an individual.
There is no restriction to the number of members who can participate in a team.
The challenge is open worldwide for anyone to participate.

Minimum requisites for a complete submission:

4 Presentation Boards of sheet size this - [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [ 400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi ] (Compulsory)
Containing: 4-5 3D Views - A small description of their project.
Cover image of size 2000 x 1000 px or larger in aspect ratio 2:1.
Tags and FAQ Questions.
Non-Compulsory - Views, illustration, images, sketches (if any) can be added to support the entry in the form of additional images.

Register by : Jul 14, 2019

Submit by : Sep 28, 2019

Visit https://competitions.uni.xyz/di-generic-cities-tokyo for complete details
You may visit https://competitions.uni.xyz/ for more similar international contests 

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