CBSE Expression Series Topics for 10-11 July 2015 - Scholastic World - Contests for Indian Students

Friday 10 July 2015

CBSE Expression Series Topics for 10-11 July 2015

TOPICS Classes
1st to 5th
Participants may submit Essay (250 words)/ Poem
 i. My biggest wish for my country!

Classes 6th to 8th Participants may submit Essay (500 words)/ Poem on any one of the following topics:
i. Surajya - for me means ….
ii. My greatest service to my Motherland will be…
iii. Incident which taught me ‘Never give up’….

Entries can be submitted from 9.00 A.M. to 5.30P.M. on both the days
Students may express their thoughts and ideas in any of the 22 scheduled languages and English.
An award of Rs. 2500/- will be given to the winners after submitting a bona-fide certificate from school
Click here to submit your entry


The Series will be conducted on the second Friday and Saturday of the month.
 Topics will be uploaded on on the second Wednesday of the month.

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